Anston Brook Primary School

Anston Brook Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Ryton Road, North Anston Sheffield South Yorkshire S25 4DN

01909 550599

Meerkat Class Remote Learning

Mr. Townend and Miss Ellis

At Anston Brook, we have structured our remote learning timetable to match the school day as closely as possible. This is to keep the children in a familiar routine. This is to be used as a guide to help families rather than put you under pressure. There may need to be some changes and we appreciate that some families will need to access learning at different times to accommodate siblings and access to technology.

All learning is updated and scheduled to go live on Google Classroom each day. Regular marking and feedback are given and children are rewarded for their efforts with positive praise and Dojo points.

Please see below for a timetable for the week's learning - please be aware that timings may alter each week depending on resources and other circumstances but this will all be communicated through Google Classroom and Class Dojo on a daily basis.


Leader of Remote Learning at Anston  Brook

Mr. Townend


Google Meet

There are three google meets booked each day. 

Morning Meet- This is an opportunity to register the children and get them settled for a day of learning. The class teacher will explain and model the tasks for the morning.

This will begin each day at 09:00 for Year 4.

Afternoon Meet- This is a chance for children to ask questions from the morning's tasks and to explain and model the afternoon tasks.

This will begin each day at 13:00 for Year 4.

End of Day Meet- The teacher and children will meet for the last time in the day to share any news and read a story together.

This will begin each day at 15:05 for Year 4.


 At Anston Brook we teaching guided reading. Children will access a focus text for the week and practise different reading skills using that text. These include: explaining the meaning of words in context, retrieving and recording information, summarising main ideas, make inferences, making predictions, making comparisons and evaluating language and meaning.

Monday: To retrieve information from the text (A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson).

Tuesday: To infer information from the text (A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson).

Wednesday: To explain the meaning of words in context (A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson).

Thursday: To answer vocabulary questions from the text (A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson).

Friday: To answer retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions from the text (A Boy Called Hope by Lara Williamson).

More information and support is available on our phonics page.

Break Times

It is really important for everyone to take regular breaks when we're working hard. This is even more important for children. We know that children and families may not be able to follow the exact timetable everyday and it is important for children to have regular breaks.

With remote learning, children will spend a lot of time in front of a screen so we suggest that children take the opportunity to get outside for some fresh air, get active and have a snack.

Our timetable allows for children to have regular breaks. If you choose to follow this timetable, breaks will be scheduled at regular points:

Morning break: 10:45-11:00

Lunchtime break: 12:00-13:00

Afternoon Break: 14:00-14:15

Learning will be asked to be submitted on Google Classroom by 3:30pm each day but please work flexibly, depending on family circumstances, to whatever best suits your needs.

Regular practice and additional resources

As you can appreciate, we are striving to set a sufficient amount of learning each day to cater for the needs of all learners: this is a challenging as children learn at different speeds and require different levels of support for different areas of learning. 

If you find that your child requires additional learning to what is being set each day, please continue to work on various resources that can be found and accessed online: 


Time Tables Rockstars:

Hit the Button:

White Rose Home Learning:




Oxford Owl:




We will focus on different subject areas each day. There will be curriculum sessions in the afternoon which will include History, Geography, Science PE, RE, PSHE, MFL, Computing, Music and DT.

Monday: PE and Handwriting/ Spelling/Times Tables/Arithmetic

Tuesday: Art and PSHE

Wednesday: Science and MFL

Thursday: Geography and History

Friday: PE and Reading/ Times Tables/Learning Hero Assembly

This will remain the same for the first few weeks of remote learning, beginning on Tuesday 5th January 2021, but is subject to change to incorporate further curriculum subjects.


More information and support available on our curriculum pages.

Maths - Week Commencing 01/02/2021

Our Maths curriculum is based on the White Rose Maths scheme. In addition to teaching slides, we will share videos and resources to support learning.

Each math lesson will come with a YouTube video where you can access demonstrations and models for each objective.

Monday: To represent unit and non-unit fractions.

Tuesday: To explore fractions in different representations.

Wednesday: To identify and represent tenths.

Thursday: To count in tenths.

Friday: To use bar models to identify equivalent fractions.

Regular arithmetic learning will be set too (please see above timetable)

More information and support is available on our maths page.



Our writing sessions will focus on a writing genre and using a hook to learning and a real purpose for writing we will explore how we can create effective writing to suit the audience for our writing.

Monday: Features and genre introduction.

Tuesday: Modelled writing task, focussing on GPS feature.

Wednesday: Genre writing task.

Thursday: Genre writing task.

Friday: Genre writing task.

More information and support is available on our writing page.