Rhino Class - Year SixA warm welcome to our class page! |
Class Teacher: Mr Hague
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Blyton
Home learning will be provided at the start of each half term. This will be in the form of a menu that includes activities which are based on different subject areas of the national curriculum and the learning that has taken place in class. Pupils will have approximately 5 weeks to complete at least one of the given activities - the more they can complete, the better as home learning will be then shared in class and on our Dojo page.
Below, you can find documents to support your child's spelling practice at home. Please try to encourage regular spelling practice at home as we work through the statutory spellings from the national curriculum for upper key stage 2:
Statutory curriculum spellings
The link below will take you directly to the Year 6 page of the free website (Spelling Frame) where your child can practise the Year 6 spelling rules online on a computer, phone or tablet.
Year 6 Spelling Frame: online learning
Regular reading is also essential for children to further extend their vocabulary and to experience a range of writing styles and genres. In Rhino Class, children can access the school library and they are encouraged to borrow books which appeal to their interests.
Our PE days are Monday and Thursday.
Please make sure that on these days, children have correct PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers).
In winter months, we encourage children to bring a jacket or a jumper to wear as well. Please ensure your child's clothing is labels as it remains their responsibility look after their clothing and equipment.